Mama Gnome has been in full baking mode, she has made at least 7 dozen cookies already for motorpool, security, neighbors, etc... and has now baked her first loaf of homemade French bread (which looks and smells awesome), and has another, less impressive loaf of bread that is currently baking...we most likely won't mention it again after this post.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas time in the Kingdom
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Sand Storm or a Snow Storm, which do you perfer?
Shopping here has been the hightlight of Mama Gnome's days because she still hasn't started her job yet. She has become an expert at operating the difficult TV at the gym and indepth knowledge of course of all the grocery stores in our area. Wereposa commented about LuLu's shopping center on our last post and let me tell you we love the chicken biriyani and can't wait to try out all the other food you mentioned. Also, now that I know that Mozambique doesn't have LuLu's it's off our list of next assignments. Seriously though LuLu's has everything you need and more, but with that being said it gets very crowded and crazy, so we go in the early morning when the Arabs are still sleeping. If we feel like shopping like an American we go to the ARAMCO commissary or the Tamimi market. Hyperpanda is a nice Wal-Mart like option, and the Carrefour is great for Cheeses... the General Manager said he can put in special requests for us, amazing!
The best thing about shopping here is the selections in the produce section because they have such a wide selection of vegetables either shipped in by boat (throughout Southwest Asia) or airfreight (expensive from Europe). If you want a sweet potato look long and hard because the one from India is different than the one from Egypt. We think they both taste fine but they are nothing like the ones from home, starting with the fact that they are white. So it has been a lot of fun exploring all these new options and most options have worked our pretty well. There is one problem, the butter here is not that good for baking or cooking so our next project is to find good baking butter for the Christmas cookies. Projects are so much fun especially when you get to eat it afterwards.
We have been watching AFN (American Forces Network), our only real contact with the outside world, and have seen all the ridiculous amounts of snow everyone is getting back home and was not jealous until the other day. We thought we were living the good life with the average temperature in the mid-70s and that everyone else back home was freezing their butts off, well that has changed. We received a rather large sand storm the other day and you couldn't see very far ahead and it was terrible to breath. Today is the third day and it is starting to finally clear and we can almost see the sun again. The temperature has dropped and so we may not be able to go swimming any more. We would love to have snow over this dirty nasty dust and sand for numerous reason you can probable guess. Maybe when everyone stops wearing little face masks to block the sand it will start feeling like Christmas or maybe it will still feel like Saudi.
For more good news our HHE arrived last week at the port but here is the bad news our Saudi paperwork isn't complete so we can't get our stuff. Guess you have to take the good with the bad, our stuff made at least and we will received when it's time. For those interested, it only took about a month and a half for our HHE to get here, we were told at first it could be four months but we were talking to the wrong people.
We hope everyone has a great Christmas and will keep all of you in our prayers.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Only a few weeks in Dhahran
We don't want to paint a picture that this is paradise, because it has a lot of difficulties... but with a positive attitude we can make the best out of anything. It is really difficult for a woman to live here because of all the strict religious laws requiring women to act or look a certain way. Mama Gnome wears an abaya and tries not to look men in the face or to hold Papa Gnomes hands in public. However, it isn't mandatory to wear an abaya because many westener women wear a cardigin (they do get harassed by the locals) but a lot of Saudi women are covered head to toe and all you can see is their eyes. Some of the most restrictive things are that it is illegal for women to drive, no Christian items, no pork, and no alcohol! Also, you have to plan your entire day around prayer call because the shops close for it. Sounds pretty easy to plan the day... well it isn't because they have a prayer call every 2 to 3 hours and since Mama Gnome can't drive we have to coordinate with the motorpool for pick up. It really isn't hard, it just takes some planning thank goodness Mama Gnome is an awesome planner.
We have adjusted to the new life and it is kind of fun. We have already gone shopping at Ikea, found an awesome pecan pie at Tamimi's grocery store, awesome Indian food at LuLu's and the weather here is perfect. The consulate people are very welcoming and throw some great parties. Tonight we are off for a big Thanksgiving dinner the consulate is doing as a group, and Papa Gnome is excited for stuffing! ...more soon!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
The First Leg of the Journey to The Kingdom
With our layover in DC we were able to hang out with our dearest friends for lunch. It was amazing to see them and say goodbye (which was sad) but we will see them in Paris in April. We miss them already.
Now traveling with a toddler was a very interesting and a crazy experience which we are now slightly intimidated about doing it again. Baby Gnome really didn't want to go to sleep and she made it known to the entire plane to Frankfurt. The lady in front of us was literally the last person n the plane to turn off her light, and finally we were able to get her to sleep for about 5 hrs of the 8 hr flight. The poor little girl just wanted her own bed and we can't blame her.
Speaking of Frankfurt we have already eaten Schnitzel which will be our last taste of pork for awhile and it was awesome. Additionally, we are staying at the Marriott and they upgraded us to a Jr Suite which included an Entertainment center which had the Motown hits CD collection. Baby Gnome is just dancing around the suite and shaking her little butt as much as she can to artist like Michael Jackson, Diana Ross, and Commodores. Our favorite so far is "Super Freak" by Rick James, wierd but funny. This hotel has been great and it is right down the road from the natural history muesum called the Senckenburg Muesum. It is a great museum for toddlers to run around and act crazy and a nice park along the way that Baby Gnome got a chance to play in the falling leaves...unlikely she will have that pleasure in the Kingdom :)
We are lying in bed, watching German MTV, drinking our 1/2 liter Franziskaner Weissbiers and eating various pork sandwiches, tomorrow will be an adventure and we are looking forward to it...but not before enjoying our last few hours here!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Hanging out in the Backyard of the White House!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
times...they are a-changin
So much had happened in the past month since our last post which has kept us way too busy. Shopping Buddy Gnome and her husband, one of the three Amigos, has just left us for their first assignment. Before they left we had a week of festivities from going out to eat celebrating a pretend birthday, wine night, Red Mango, brunch, tea time, and brunch again…of course. It has been so much fun spending time with them, but it has also opened our eyes that we are all going to go our separate ways soon… and they were just the first to go. We only have a few weeks left here so it is time to get down to business and focus on organizing our stuff for the movers, tying up loose ends, and getting all the stuff we need for the next two years that we can’t get there.
There are two new awesome developments that we are super excited about. First, Mama Gnome has run her very first half
Friday, July 30, 2010
Adventures in Metro-land
Monday, July 26, 2010

Now, for a little bit of info on our new home. The Gnomes are in fact on our way to
While life will generally consist of compound life, the Saudi Aramco compound is massive, including a golf course, schools, pools, horseback riding, private beach, housing over 12,000 expat employees and their families…plenty of friends and things to do for Baby and Momma Gnome. On the Consulate Compound, there are pools, parks, several families moving in along with us, and of course the Marines! For a closer aspect to American life, the Gnomes can just drive across the causeway, where
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Flag Day the Event
Ohhh Flag Day… If we weren’t nervous enough coordinators walk into the room with all the flags of the countries we could go to… and all you hear is a gasp of excitement from all around us. It finally became very real to all of us exactly what we had gotten ourselves into. The Foreign Service Officers (FSO) sat together in the front of the room while all the spouses gathered together with one another for moral support. God bless the wonderful women that BabyGnome and I sat with, they were great at passing a handkerchief around as we all got the news of our new homes. The ceremony consisted of the director for the CDOs showing a flag, announcing the city, and then a long pause (or it seemed) before announcing the FSO who was going there. We are told not to cheer or make any noise but it couldn’t be helped and everyone gasped or cheered regardless of the rule, it is human nature for goodness sake! As the ceremony went on some of the posts we wanted were taken but then we saw the Green Flag with the beautiful writing on it and realized that it would be our next home even before they said Papa Gnome’s name. He was smiling ear to ear and I was crying for excitement and fright, had we made the right decision to put that high? Will Baby Gnome like it? Will we be safe? Will I survive the heat? I could go on forever but all the tears were of pride for my husband who has accomplished so much for our family.
After all that we went and celebrated with all the other great FSO’s and their families. We spent most of the night with Papa’s Gnome buddies that I like to call “The Three Amigos.” My Shopping Buddy Gnome (sense her husband is one of them) has a name for them as well “Dumb, Dumber and Dumba**”… she is a little more witty than me.
So now we have a lot of planning to do in order to start our new andamazing adventure and I really can’t wait to get it started. We promise more soon on our new home,
Friday, July 16, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Flag Day is Tomorrow!
Tomorrow is the big day! We have made it this far and we really hope we will be able to sleep tonight….although, if last night was any indication it will probably be sleepless again! Auntie Beach Bunny Gnome has arrived to give us love, moral support, a possible shoulder to cry on and of course to be on Baby Gnome patrol at the Flag Day ceremony. It is so great to have family around, and when you have such a big change in one’s life it really means so much.
We have tried to stay very busy the last couple of days and it has really worked because time has really gone by fast. Papa Gnome has been kept very busy with homework and class work, so that has helped… Mama Gnome has been hanging out with her favorite Gnome Buddy shopping, sightseeing… Baby Gnome’s teething has not made things any easier on the home front though…
Tune in tomorrow for the BIG DAY!!! Here we come?????
Monday, July 12, 2010
Foreshadowing for Flag Day just landed on my face!
I received an omen yesterday morning that has shed some light on where we will be going for the next two years. This omen is not something I am proud of because it is pretty gross but Papa Gnome swears it doesn’t look that bad on me. Yesterday, I woke up with a huge pimple on my face so that must mean we are going to
Okay seriously, Flag Day is only 4 days away and this planet growing on my face is probable due to stress. Everyone was warned that as it got closer, crazy would come out and so here it is.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
It is finally done, we have just turned in our Bid List after all the research, analyzing, and the daydreaming of what life would be like in each location. There are some really great places on the list and some extremely challenging locations but all have their advantages and disadvantages. This list is just a tool to assist the CDO’s in placing families in their new homes but of course they have to make sure they find the right fit for the job so that is why it is hard to get your first choice. We did the best we could with our list and now it is up to God where we go and no matter what we will make the best of it because things happen for a reason. Remind me I said that on Flag Day... especially if we get the
We have a large number of countries on our high and medium list so we have a better chance of not getting any of our top five but if you don’t try then how will you ever know.
Our Top Five:
We celebrated the 4th of July down by the
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
The Bid List is coming! The Bid List is coming!
The Bid List that we have been dreaming of, waiting for, and stressing over will finally be given to us tomorrow! That's right we the Gnome family will finally have a list of countries given to us and on that list will be our new home. It is so exciting to finally see the list and prioritize the countries based on our needs and wants. We are a pretty positive family so no matter what they throw at us we will make the best out of it. Additionally, I don't think we are going to be able to sleep and I am going to go crazy waiting for Papa Gnome to get home, this is so unfair… the waiting should be illegal.
However, getting the list is just the first part and soon after we agonize over how to rate the embassies and consulates, we get to wait on the second part of this process, which is the painful waiting until July 16 for Flag Day. On Flag Day, Papa Gnome will be presented with the flag of the country we will be calling home for the next 2 years. So if I thought waiting 24hrs for the list is bad, I can only think how insane I will be waiting for Flag Day in 4 weeks!
We are calling on all of our friends and family with ESP or second sight, good horoscopes or even a Magic 8 Ball… will you help us guess where Baby Gnome will call home next?
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Leaving Orlando

The time has finally come for us to leave our wonderful home, family, and friends here in
We are going to miss everyone and thank you all for being a part of our lives you have really meant a lot to us.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
What's next: A100, Bid Lists, Flag Day and Swearing In
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Last Days in Orlando

OK. Our final days in Orlando are really coming fast, while our long term future with the foreign service is mostly question marks, contingency plans, and the famous foreign service answer, 'it depends', we do have some clarity on our last days however. We have about a week to get rid of the last of our stuff that didn't sell in the garage sale, family arriving from out of town, have a big party with friends and the Mommy Group for Baby Gnome's 1st Birthday (already!), followed by a smaller family party, then movers come and pack up all of our stuff leaving us in a shell of a home. Don't worry, us Gnomes have everything under control, we are moving into the Marriott! Way too much to do and no time to do everything.